25/10/2015 22:37
The 100 Funniest Words in English | |
Abibliophobia | The fear of running out of reading material. |
Absquatulate | To leave or abscond with something. |
Allegator | Some who alleges. |
Anencephalous | Lacking a brain. |
Argle-bargle | A loud row or quarrel. |
Batrachomyomachy | Making a mountain out of a molehill. |
Billingsgate | Loud, raucous profanity. |
Bloviate | To speak pompously or brag. |
Blunderbuss | A gun with a flared muzzle or disorganized activity. |
Borborygm | A rumbling of the stomach. |
Boustrophedon | A back and forth pattern. |
Bowyang | A strap that holds the pants legs in place. |
Brouhaha | An uproar. |
Bumbershoot | An umbrella. |
Callipygian | Having an attractive rear end or nice buns. |
Canoodle | To hug and kiss. |
Cantankerous | Testy, grumpy. |
Catercornered | Diagonal(ly). |
Cockalorum | A small, haughty man. |
Cockamamie | Absurd, outlandish. |
Codswallop | Nonsense, balderdash. |
Collop | A slice of meat or fold of flab. |
Collywobbles | Butterflies in the stomach. |
Comeuppance | Just reward, just deserts. |
Crapulence | Discomfort from eating or drinking too much. |
Crudivore | An eater of raw food. |
Discombobulate | To confuse. |
Donnybrook | An melee, a riot. |
Doozy | Something really great. |
Dudgeon | A bad mood, a huff. |
Ecdysiast | An exotic dancer, a stripper. |
Eructation | A burp, belch. |
Fard | Face-paint, makeup. |
Fartlek | An athletic training regime. |
Fatuous | Unconsciously foolish. |
Filibuster | Refusal to give up the floor in a debate to prevent a vote. |
Firkin | A quarter barrel or small cask. |
Flibbertigibbet | Nonsense, balderdash. |
Flummox | To exasperate. |
Folderol | Nonsense. |
Formication | The sense of ants crawling on your skin. |
Fuddy-duddy | An old-fashioned, mild-mannered person. |
Furbelow | A fringe or ruffle. |
Furphy | A portable water-container. |
Gaberlunzie | A wandering beggar. |
Gardyloo! | A warning shouted before throwing water from above. |
Gastromancy | Telling fortune from the rumblings of the stomach. |
Gazump | To buy something already promised to someone else. |
Gobbledygook | Nonsense, balderdash. |
Gobemouche | A highly gullible person. |
Godwottery | Nonsense, balderdash. |
Gongoozle | To stare at, kibitz. |
Gonzo | Far-out journalism. |
Goombah | An older friend who protects you. |
Hemidemisemiquaver | A musical timing of 1/64. |
Hobbledehoy | An awkward or ill-mannered young boy. |
Hocus-pocus | Deceitful sleight of hand. |
Hoosegow | A jail or prison. |
Hootenanny | A country or folk music get-together. |
Jackanapes | A rapscallion, hooligan. |
Kerfuffle | Nonsense, balderdash. |
Klutz | An awkward, stupid person. |
La-di-da | An interjection indicating that something is pretentious. |
Lagopodous | Like a rabbit's foot. |
Lickety-split | As fast as possible. |
Lickspittle | A servile person, a toady. |
Logorrhea | Loquaciousness, talkativeness. |
Lollygag | To move slowly, fall behind. |
Malarkey | Nonsense, balderdash. |
Maverick | A loner, someone outside the box. |
Mollycoddle | To treat too leniently. |
Mugwump | An independent politician who does not follow any party. |
Mumpsimus | An outdated and unreasonable position on an issue. |
Namby-pamby | Weak, with no backbone. |
Nincompoop | A foolish person. |
Oocephalus | An egghead. |
Ornery | Mean, nasty, grumpy. |
Pandiculation | A full body stretch. |
Panjandrum | Someone who thinks himself high and mighty. |
Pettifogger | A person who tries to befuddle others with his speech. |
Pratfall | A fall on one's rear. |
Quean | A disreputable woman. |
Rambunctious | Aggressive, hard to control. |
Ranivorous | Frog-eating |
Rigmarole | Nonsense, unnecessary complexity. |
Shenanigan | A prank, mischief. |
Sialoquent | Spitting while speaking. |
Skedaddle | To hurry somewhere. |
Skullduggery | No good, underhanded dealing. |
Slangwhanger | A loud abusive speaker or obnoxious writer. |
Smellfungus | A perpetual pessimist. |
Snickersnee | A long knife. |
Snollygoster | A person who can't be trusted. |
Snool | A servile person. |
Tatterdemalion | A child in rags. |
Troglodyte | Someone or something that lives in a cave. |
Turdiform | Having the form of a lark. |
Unremacadamized | Having not been repaved with macadam. |
Vomitory | An exit or outlet. |
Wabbit | Exhausted, tired, worn out. |
Widdershins | In a contrary or counterclockwise direction. |
Yahoo | A rube, a country bumpkin. |
@ | The "at" sign. |